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الأحد، 20 نوفمبر 2016

10 Facts about Trump you don't know. the Seventh will shock you ...

There are many things hidden facts about Trump's childhood  that are not known to most people, in fact, it was contributed in one way or another in arriving to compete for the presidency of the United States of America, and before that in the industry as a successful businessman in the community is not a competition where not easy, as long as the psychology and social scientists say that the son of man roots. And here we are reviewing:

First fact: Parents .. successful father and a mother loves her husband

Father Fred Trump was born in New York, and became one of the top contractors in the field of real estate in the city, while his mother Mary are a Scottish immigrant, had a great role in a happier father Trump and his successes, which is flooded with love and stimulation.

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The second fact: Life generous

Mr. Trump's father a prosperous man by all accounts, provided Rgeh and generous life for his children, where he brought them private schools and provided them with cars and beta consists of 23 rooms born by Trump Jr. and his brothers .. four brothers and two sisters.

The third fact: the four brothers

Order Trump came fourth son among his brothers. "Fred c" Elder, had worked captain flight but he was suffering from alcoholism has died at an early age, and his two sisters Marianne and Elizabeth became the first judge of the Court of the US appeal, and the second administrative secretary, while his younger brother Robert did like Trump, where he went to the field Business.

The fourth fact: the imaginary childhood home

Donald Trump was born on June 14, 1946 by real estate Jamaica in Queens, New York City. Their house was large and distinctive homes in the suburbs and is still present today, Trump has studied the school Kew Forest neighborhood of Queens in the same primary school.

Indeed fifth: a passion for cars

Trump a family known to own Cadillacs, and it was all the neighbors in the neighborhood talking about the family that owns a great house and my car Cadillac adorable as well, with panels bearing distinctive numbers FCT1 and FCT2.

Indeed sixth: numerous titles

The guys Trump young call him many titles, the "Donny" and "Termbat" - relative to the musical instrument (trumpet) - and "Flat Top" in relation to his hair fly up, and refers to guys boyhood that was a combination between a person friendly and arrogant , but they were considered to be merely a representation, it was in fact people Mhag

Indeed seventh: Early ripening

When Trump was in elementary school drew the attention of his colleagues in his abilities in sports and exercise tricks. But also it had a tendency towards intolerance for his ideas and positions and not to recognize his mistakes, and knew from that early period that he says directly what is going on Boukhatrh without hesitation.

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Indeed eighth: love risk

Trump knew with his friends in the neighborhood of their adventurism with bicycles and walk out very quickly, as well as cry, and told a neighbor that he once saw them jumping out of the speeding bikes and start hitting a boys unabated.

Indeed ninth: Trump bully

During his childhood and youth and maturity, Trump showed behavior that is intimidating others. He was described Balnrjsuh and charisma and a desire to emerge. And showing pleasure to show his superiority in front of those who consider them was weaker than in their personalities.

The truth of the tenth: a source of concern in school

Trump was classified as strong minded and tenacious by his teachers at school, and on one occasion the face of a punch below the eye to the music teacher, causing a black bruise, arguing that the teacher does not understand anything in music. The misbehaves frequently, making friends shun him.

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السبت، 9 فبراير 2013

فلاش موب كانكام ستايل

اليك عزيزي المشاهد هذا الفيديو الذي وضح مجموعة من الراقصين المدربين الذين يؤدون رقصة الكانكام ستايل الشهيرة بدقة متناسقة و هذا الفن بدوره يدعى الفلاش موب أو flash mob بحيت تنسجم الدقة و سرعة البديهة معا لتشكل أفضل تناسب مع الأغنية لن أطيل عليكم فرجة ممتعة.و لا تنسوا مبادرتنا بتعليقاتكم من أجل المزيد. 

الاثنين، 4 فبراير 2013

آخر اختراعات اليابان

اليك هذا الاختراع الجديد و الذي يسلط اختصاصه في مجال الفتيات.فهذا الاختراع البسيط يتميل في قطعة ثوب متحولة يمكن بذلك تغييرها لتصبح فستان،معصفا يدويا ...الخ.فكرة الفستان هاته نالت اعجاب العديد من المشاهدين مما اثار شهوة العديد من النساء في اقتناء هذا المنتج.لن أطيل عليكم شاهدوا بأنفسكم و اتركوا تعليقاتكم من أجل المزيد من الفيديوهات.

السبت، 2 فبراير 2013

مذيعه النشره الجوية تعاقب اذا اخطأت في الحال

اليكم هذا الفيديو المضحك الذي يبين من خلال مشاهدته معقابة مذيعة النشرة الجوية فان حصل و ارتكبت خطأ يتم معاقبتها مباشرة و ذلك عبر صب الماء البارد عليها ما يجعلها تتوثر كل مرة يحدث ذلك فيها.الفيديو مضحك جدا.لن أطيل عليكم تابعوا مجريات الفيديوا و أبدوا آراءكم في تعليق أسفل الفيديو.

الخميس، 31 يناير 2013

قمة الابداع !!؟

أظن أنك شاهدت/شاهدتي الأغنية الشهيرة و التي فاقت تصورات عقولنا Gangam Style . طبعا هذه الأغنية أصبحت الأشهر و شرع البعض في تقليدها لكن الغريب في هذا الفيديو أنه تم تقليد الأغنية كما هي في الفيديو الأصلي الا أنها على الورق.شخصيا تعجبت لهذا الفنان من شدة دقته.لن أطيل عليكم شاهدوا الفيديوا ولا تبخلوا علينا بتعليقاتكم من أجل المزيد.

الأربعاء، 30 يناير 2013

خداع بصري المبنى المتحرك

لمحبي الخدع البصرية المثقنة و المذهلة اليكم جملة منها تضم خدعا ضوئية ثم تطبيقها على مبنا فخم بحيث يظهر هذا الأخير في حالات عدة من بينها السقوط ،الهدم ...الخ
لن أطيل عليكم أدع الفيديو يحكي لكم باقي التفاصيل.


لا تنسو طرح تعليقاتكم من أجل المزيد.

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